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Sense therapy

From the ancient times people have known about the healing characteristics of pain. A great number of the Old Testament prophets give us evidence of the principally new approach to it than that offered by the contemporary medicine.
The period of many centuries proves this prophets` method of healing. This method is constantly proved by the positive results of the curing. Safe and completely natural, giving the opportunity to understand the essence of illnesses. Through creation as much difficulties (that is body sufferings) as possible this method gives us the opportunity to activate harmoniously inner reserves of a body. This characteristic is one of the main advantages of this method. Described by the modern medical language, simple and easy of access, natural and universal, applicable for all times and ages this method gives hope of its revival.
This work is the result of the long experimental search provoked by the desire to get rid of a very serious illness incurable by any other methods.
Having avoided the disability himself and seeing many people` s positive results, the author felt the necessity to share this method with people who really want to get cured and are ready to apply efforts in this direction. Those who will decide to trust in this method will have the opportunity to feel real positive changes of their state during the first implementation of the method.
Among those who saved themselves in this way from soul and body sufferings were Long-suffering Iof, tsar David and one of the most famous and honored saints in Russia Serafim Sarovsky.
This method cures all illnesses. It is universal in the way that it cures all person` s organs and systems at once. For example a usual approach can offer treatment for only one organ but it` s well-known that it just can` t be so, for instance eye disease is accompanied at the least by the wrong functioning of liver, bowels and of course leads to wrong functions of the cerebral cortex.
Especially effective this method is in curing mental illnesses because its wonderful and surprising characteristics give the chance to open the way to Moral Rebirth the enlightenment of soul, the strengthening of spirit and the resignation of mind. It enables to perceive external and internal world deliberately, to understand the laws of their development, to implement this knowledge for the well-being of you and your nearest and dearest. That was what Tsar and Prophet David affirmed in his psalm-book in his time (psalm 118 verse 99): I have become cleverer than my teachers , verse 100: I am more experienced than the elders because I guard your commands). It is known from the psalm-book that the prophet stood on his knees himself and called the others to pray in such a way.
The suggested principle of curing is based on the well-known fact that sufferings clean a soul, mind and body, but the voluntary physical hardships in such a position (on the knees) make it possible not to suffer. The change of the attitude to pain assists a person in obtaining this unusual quality (not to suffer from physical pain).
Faith and confidence appear from the positive results you get, hence it follows the right conclusions about advisability and real help. A person constanyly practicing this method gets these characteristics laid in his mind as a conclusion or fact, in this way becoming the whole mind itself, and that is why the mind reacts on the pain not as on unpleasant sufferings but as on necessary difficulties.
Mastering this curing method enables not to suffer from pain and mental dirangements but deliberately apply painful feelings with specific tasks of cleaning, healing and enlightening a body, mind and soul. With resignation and through sacrificing this method leads to saving from all kinds of evil, neutralizes its negative potentiality with minimal constraint.
The most famous description of this method was given by the tsar and prophet David approximately three thousand years ago. He deliberately used pain to stop mental and body sufferings in difficult moments of life. He kneeled and so was getting rid of mental and functional disorders.
This method found a use in our time as well. For example, in Saint-Petersburg exists a clinic of pain therapy (but the author is not familiar with its methods).
What is an advantage of this method? It is it` s simplicity. The method does not require medicines, outer soothing, dependence on anything or anybody because under the influence of pain the body itself works out all that is needs and the slow, by letters reading of the Gospels will calm down any worry, nervousness, irritation! It is accessible to a great number of people but they should care of the healthy state of their knees. (Walking as the most efficient method of knees recovery is necessary).
The main advantage of the pain therapy is the opportunity of self regulation. Reacting on pain a body begins to produce such substances as adrenalin, serotonin and the similar stimuli to life without any medicines. And that perfectly happens when using this method. This method gives the opportunity of curing of practically all the illnesses provided observing certain necessary conditions (for example concearning time) and norms. But it should be taken into account that those driven into extreme mental and body injuries cannot be cured at all. For example even this method cannot restore a rotten tooth. More over there exist illnesses that cannot be cured without personal aspiration. You must constantly remember about these illnesses during the procedure ( traumas, paralysis) because this method creates the power of body revival. Wish, resignation and the similar peoples qualities lead to such a creation. 

Nobody likes feeling pain. Every living thing longs to avoid it as well as illnesses. Thanks to it prophylaxis and curing of many illnesses become possible. And this basically changes our perception of pain. For example pain itself helps a person to get rid of many vices such as dissoluteness, irresponsibility, imprudence, unwillingness to live, it returns one to reality and soberness, richness of creative and spiritual feelings, gives a desire to live. Try this method!
Needless to prove to anybody, that, for example, a trauma can lead to a shock which a person who feels an acute pain gets. It proves that pain has the blocking influence on the nervous system. But a human being posesses resistance to this shock and pathogenic structures do not. That is why their nervous system is blocked. By applying this method they are neutralized. Thanks to this characteristic it does not matter of what illness you want to get rid (cancer, cold, AIDS, stammer which disappear in 15 minutes).
This method cures illnesses because while its applying nerves, the muscles of legs, vestibular apparatus are working. Pain in the knees, appearing in half an hour, provokes the secretion of such stimulators as adrenalin, serotonin, opium- and morphia into the blood and nerves- such substances (sedative, toning up, stimulant, roborant) and many others, unknown to the science. The warmth, heat appears in the chest, in the heart leading to the mind clearing, the perception gets better as the main sign of health. It is accompanied by the improving in perception of colors, of contrasts, richness and brightness. Also focus and size vision get better. The whole body gets a supply of vital energy, especially the brain and the cerebral cortex, which is in charge for well-organized interaction of all the organs and systems. In this case pain is a catalyst and stimulant (accelerant) of the work of all the useful inner processes. Metabolism gets accelerated, immunity and efficiency rise, while reducing the time for relaxation.
Any event, action as well as illnesses has its beginning and end but between these two points there is a line of constant reactions of growth, maturity and aging. The regular application of the procedure interrupts pathogenic changes because these unhealthy structures can be ill too but unlike human beings they can not be cured. By applying this method all illnesses including pathologic are blocked and stop their acting. This cuts short the sequence, duration and strength of the illness whch also favours getting cured. It is the same as not to breathe. Pain creates just this very state for illnesses. That is why unhealthy programs are destroyed after the first procedure without touching inner organs.
Subtle-minded people keeping a strict diet, yogis, healers and clairvoyants note nearly twenty positive curing phenomena revealed during this prosedure. The most relevant of them are described in this work.


This method is used in combination with the by-letters reading of holy scripts lacking which it is not so effective. So reading opens person`s brain capacities. When the brain works the electrical activity of the brain enhances, its blood supply increases, the mind clears up. Just thanks to the by-letters reading sclerosis can be cured which can be felt after the first procedure. By-letters and by-syllables reading calmes down nerves, neurons, rythms of breathing and heart. It occurs depending on the chosen tempo of reading and thanks to your will. The slower you read the calmer you get because of the inhibition of brain functionin what does not need any sedatives. The perceived text goes through all the brain functions turning into vision, perception, deep understanding, memory associations and their relaxing cures not only the brain but also all the body organs. By-letters vision and by-syllables reading simply destroy all the unhealthy structures like a snowslip sweeps away everything on its way. So as the substane formed in memory during such a slow reading clears all the involved brain structures-neurons, nerves. But if to do this not on the knees, the destruction of unhealthy structures (that are felt as bursting in the chest) produces negative informational flow (evil will or evil spirit). The same happens when you burn wood ashes and smoke are left (the law of transition of one kind of energy into another). In 15 minutes of such reading not on you knees a new unhealthy structure is created because of a great concentration of evil spirit. This structure starts acting at once, putting out attention causing gaps in consciousness (melancholy). To avoid this you need such pain feelings which are stronger than the unhealthy structures. This stops up the influence of evil will. Evil will or evil spirit is an indirect impulse of the soul which is given to make the body start moving. The soul does not take part in the evil but it can happen through managing the body (mainly when judging other people). This consciousness comes from the soul (frontal,volitional archs) and does not have analogues in applying people`s qualities. Because of a great superiority in subtlety and power of influence in a normal state it is impossible but only enhancing senses through pain as much as possible. Only in this way you can nutralise the evil will. That is why only difficulties (these suggested sufferings) neutralize evil spirits.
The main thing is that the negative informational, mental programs of illnesses are blocked by the pain and stop functioning. For example, as was mentioned above pain blocks the nervous system. And as illnesses have a friable structure and are devoid of the life line (self realization without outer or inner noise), they loose its denominator (voice) because pain does not allow it. At this time the second destroying illness` s force acts which is an artificial inhibition. During by-letters reading the mind moves too slowly for illnesses and heeding their friability (density of their matter) they lose their functions to do harm when the consciousness is inhibited (like a whirligig stops by the inhibition of motion). This connection (a whirligig) is stopped just by by-letters reading speed. This ensures the perfection and safety of this method. These facts are given on the basis of the result of pain therapy from the people who heard voices (whether the voices appear or disappear). If the procedure was interrupted or not finished (the minimum of the time that should be observed is 2 hours & a half), so there was a counteraction of negative mental structures illnesses directed against this procedure. 
During the pain therapy it is desirable to read the Gospel because this book is honored by all people. More over this book has gone through the times and that is why it has no danger for example of the readerwriter contact. The Gospel can be used because it has an appeal for love, kindness, peace which facilitates your getting healthy. In connection with the reasons mentioned above nobody must be forced to read the Gospel. If you give this book into the hands of a patient-beginner, you should wash your hands and propose the patient to do the same and also to give the Gospel in a clean towel (as on the icon of Nicholaswonder-worker). Also you should read with love and esteem, because these qualities are the basis of curing.
Comparing the effect of medicines (sedatives) that do not stimulate as the suggested method but depress, which is very hard to endure mentally especially because of the reducing of blood pressure by the medicines which leads to unbearable headache. Controlling the body also brings suffering because of these medicines. While curing other illnesses, not psychiatric, applying medicines is harmful, even if it is written in an instruction: no contra-indications. First, we do not know the consequences of time. What will happen for example in 10-20 years? Such long-term consequences are not checked by anybody. Besides there are cases of after-effects shown just in 20 years of applying such so-called harmless medicines as ointment for sunbathing. Secondly, each stimulating medicine substitutes the work of this or that organ which atrophies for this reason. It makes the patient dependent on the constant increasing of the dosage of which this method completely prevents. Thirdly, all the medicines are harmful because they are created artificially and that is why dead which does not improve your health but only worsens it in the course of time. It is the house built of sand. Of course it does not concern traumas, poisoning and other temporary disturbances, which are not connected with the mental activity of a man. In these cases medicines are necessary.
The simplicity of the method enables everyone who wishes to test it on themselves. In order to get final positive results of changing of your state, from the middle of procedure you need to pay attention to the rise of vitality level in such qualities as realization perception improving of memory and eye-sight. As a whole this cures all the incurable illnesses such as epilepsy, different kinds of schizophrenia, voices, the loss of memory (sclerosis).
Because the pain in the knees is over not at once, f you make up your mind to have a night rest so you can rest without problems and medicines. Under this condition the renewal of the activity of unhealthy mental programs comes in 4 hours. Because closed eyes, sleeping and pain hamper the renewal of the illness` s activity. This time gives a curing rest of a full value. If the patient doesnt take a 5-minute rest after the procedure, the renewal of illnesses activity will begin in 15 minutes (this information is obtained from patients who hear voices). That is why the patient will not get a curing rest. Morning standing will quicken the curing and will not give the opportunity for mental programms of illnesses to renew quickly their activity which is completely renewed in a day. That is why you need as minimum two procedures daily. The morning prosedure can be replaced by kneeling while working if you work in sitting position and if the surroundings permit. The main condition is continuity and solitude (nobody must see you) though you can do it to the view sitting in the posture of lotus, for all this it is better to cover the legs with a clean cloth.
ATTENTION! The main difficulties while applying this method are mental, because every man, healthy and ill, begins to hear voices in his head and perceive others thoughts (demons) as his own in order not to stand on the knees. More exactly ill people say at the seance that during the procedure they are afraid, that they hear hypnotic (with great emotions, out of inside) commands, Stand up, give it up, you must not and so on and threatening (obscene language). But in an hour these voices calm down and in 2 hours 30 minutes they disappear at all. People who do not hear voices have mental ideas with deep emotions which are the main false argument in order not to stand. The ideas are such as: Why am I doing masochism? or Why am I, an educated person, doing this nonsense?
The truth is that at this moment your feeling, memory, the amount of perceived information and its understanding get better. And as it was mentioned above the warmth, heat appears in the chest, in the heart. This leads to clearing of the mind, the perception gets better. And it is the main showing of health. It is accompanied by the improving in perception of colors, of contrasts, richness, brightness. Also focus and size vision get better. If you are able to stand the first hour and a half or two hours with full understanding of the process without any thoughts and emotions, it will be easier further. Because in this case personal experience appears with all the processes that go on, with conclusions and emotions that appear. It is very important to memorize the common psychological state after the first full-time procedure. And that is why in the case of unreasonable refusals or unwillingness to apply this method you should restore the desire calling back from your memory the positive results just from the first experience of sense therapy.
The peculiarities of standing on the knees.
You should stand on both of your knees finding the center of gravity so that the weight of your body lies equally on each knee or depending on the pain. It is easier to stand on stone floor or stone tile because the stone cools and that is why reduces the suffering. You should stand between you knee-caps and bones, slightly resting on your knee-caps, the thighs slightly tensed because of the little incline backward, the feet placed horizontally on the floor. You mustnt put a soft and thick cloth under your knees. The norm is an ordinary cloth of summer trousers. During the prosedure you must not wear synthetic, kapron, silk and tight-fitting clothes as body and skin must breath. This method makes it possible to kneel 6 hours or more depending on your need. The time of standing should be defined by the patient himself after his getting some experience. For example feeling easiness and unwillingness to stand up because of pleasant sensations in the body. Sensations depend on visiting mass gatherings of people (transport, market) after which your body will get relief and clearing only in 3 hours. In case of home solitude without seeing anyone, without watching TV or listening to the radio, the time is reduced to 2 hours. But you should take into consideration that during the first six months general clearing of the body from negative structures takes place and that is why you need as least 2 hours and a half of persistent and uninterrupted prosedure.
The preparation for the first sance of pain therapy consists of exclusion of all the problems: it means eating and drinking in advance (2 hours before the prosedure). You should switch off the phone, prepare necessary means of hygiene because abundant secretion of slobber, tears is possible. But you mustnt pay attention to them, feeling no emotions and preserving full calmness. You should do everything in order not to stand up during 2 hours and a half or 3 hours. It is very important because if you stand up even for one minute, you must start the sance of pain therapy from the beginning. That is having kneeled for an hour and a half and then standing on one` s feet you must kneel for 2 hours and a half again, because mental structures of illnesses not neutralised yet will move their consciousness to a new place. And that is why you must start the sance from the beginning. But in case of interruption you can repeat the sance again after a short (one hour) rest. Not to do this and not to loose your time you should stand for 2 hours and a half or 3 hours without brakes. 
If you want to relieve from your illness correctly and quickly you mustnt lean on or touch anything or held your arms on the table. Provided you feel natural extreme hardships (pain) in your knees this method of curing helps. Also you must not think, speak or tell anybody about the pain, feelings, emotion before, during and after the sance. And this is even more difficult to endure than the pain during the procedure. You can see the realization of thoughts in a hardly bearable desire in the end of the sance. For example, think how hard it is for you and than see how the power of the word changes your desires, feelings, aspirations. That is why any thought negative or positive will have its meaning which is not desirable as it increases unnecessary spiritual sufferings.
A useful additional pose can be the pose of lotus which has some advantages and three drawbacks. 1. Difficulty of its executing. 2. Dependence on the surroundings. 3. But the main drawback is that by executing this pose you open biologically active spots in the area of genitals. Because they are open and are in an unacceptable pose, they can constantly be poisoned by the city surroundings. The advantage of such a pose is that you can use it during the night rest. It is harmonious, light, acceptable and that is why applicable during sitting works and rest. The pose of lotus when applying in the correct order should be used as subsidiary for standing on the knees. Now all around the world clearing methods of Indian yogis are given and applied catharses and others the aim of which is to get rid of accumulated feelings, emotions and passions. If you dont get rid of them they will lead to hysterics, physical frustrations, nervousness, depressions and so on. These practices and methods work and are effective, but contemporary yogis dont take into consideration that just a bit of bad feelings, passions and emotions deprives a man of holiness and all the kind that he does between the clearings. Though in more perfect Indian teaching it is suggested not to sweep away the rubbish but not to scatter it. We are offered not to swing the boat of feelings because having moved it towards emotions the reverse side of boredom will follow then for sure. All this is included in the understanding of the cause-&-effect ties or karma. You should return to pain therapy which can solve this problem without destruction of any kind. And reading of the Gospel with attention, sincerity and aspiration of love stimulates and gives the power to every kind word, deed, wish, which is also included into the basis of curing.
If this method is used in medical establishments so it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions. For example it is desirable to have a special constant place (room) only for this purpose. The duration of the procedure in medical establishments is up to 2 hours and a half, but not less than one hour depending on the ability of the patient. Also you should take into account that if you stand less than 2 hours 30 minutes, it is more difficult to persuade yourself in the usefulness and necessity of the procedure. The reason is in the left negative potency which creates negative feelings to pain therapy.
HARDSHIPS. By reaching maximal inner suffering from the pain you should increase your attention on reading the texts that is perceive each letter more detailed and distinctly which is accompanied by the enlargement of pupils and eyelids after which relief comes. It is easier to stand up from your knees if you place two chairs or stools on your right and left. You can lean on them only when standing up and you may sit on one of them after the procedure to have some rest.
ATTENTION! While kneeling for the first time the patients usually dont endure more than an hour and a half because they feel sick and feel like vomiting because of the accumulated negative emotions coming out of the body. At this time it is better to stand up and have a rest. That is why you should gradually increase the time of the procedure. For example the first procedure may last for an hour and a half. If in an hour you repeat the procedure for 2 hours and 30 minutes the negative emotions wont appear. This time is compulsory optimum, because only this time completely neutralizes all the unhealthy structures, their mental programs, codes.
It is difficult to believe but there do exist illnesses that come to a direct contact with the mind of a sick person. Their aim is to subdue a person and that is why prevent him from standing on the knees. This mental constraint can go on up to 3 days provided you dont hesitate in applying pain therapy and dont think on this theme.
You will get used to pain in 3 days provided that you apply the procedure regularly. But the state of being completely undisturbed by the pain can be gained only in a year.
Also during the first procedures you may be feeling drowsy but this state can be overcome by concentrating on reading the texts. Drowsiness (cramps, arrhythmia, swollen feet) comes because of the eaten beet sugar and other products artificially produced by the food industry. It all inevitably accumulates in persons organs. The whole world tries to get rid of the sugar because artificially produced sugar is not completely digested. And part that stays in the organs leads to rottenness. This rottenness causes fatigue which results in sleepiness. During a month try not to consume artificially produced sugar in all the products containing it and you will fell that 3-4 hours sleep is well enough for a good rest of full value, the mind capacity will increase and the intestines will be cleanned. By the end of the month just in order to understand the full harm of artificial sugar you can eat a piece of chocolate and see at once that you have felt worse - something wrong has become with your head, intestine, mental abilities and the whole body (except the pleasant (but is it really pleasant?) gustatory senses in the mouth). This will give you strength not to eat artificial sugar in all the products any more. The same harm is done by all the proteinaceous and leguminous, meat and milk products which can be proved too. There are proteins which are not digested after 25 years old so they begin to rot and if you add sugar so your intestine is like a glass with unhealthy bacteria which leads to various illnesses.
You feel the relief from hearing voices after each procedure by excercising pain therapy regularly but real relief comes just in a month. Though you get completely recovered approximately during the period of 3-5 years. If a patient with epilepsy starts applying this procedure regularly fits are likely not to appear any more. Minimal time for curing from epilepsy is one year. Two days` procedure is enough to relieve abstinence of drug addicts, alcoholics, smokers. All the heart illnesses are cured (arteriosclerosis, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, hypertension and others), cold, lung diseases, asthma, tuberculosis, cancer of lungs, AIDS and so on.
It is better to stand on your knees before the night rest because it is during the night rest when spiritual sufferings are the strongest. It happens because of the wrong horizontal position during the rest. We know from the history that some great thinkers rested at night sitting or standing. The main cause of such behavior is the change in the functions of the intestines, the influence of the lower life forms (at the level of midges). When you rest in a reclining position, your organs and brain relax profoundly and your general energetic and electric potential is lowed up to the level of activity of these insect mental programs. Because of the absence of potential difference unhealthy structures come into force and behave as midges in the forest, that is they poison, bite and kill corresponding to their programs and power. When you wake up lying, all your organs and brain stir up. Because of this the potential difference appears and that is why during the day time the illnesses are not active to a certain degree. That is why some people began to rest standing which doesnt lower the potential difference during the night rest and in this way protects from the influence of aggressive mental powers of the world parasites. It should be mentioned that the mind of parasites (their souls) is very small and not very materialistic and because there are no materialistic obstacles for them in the world of little measures (distance and place dont matter at all for them), you can protect yourself from them raising your vitality, which occurs while resting in a sitting or standing position. This can be proposed to you and sick people. You can get used to such method of rest approximately in a week.
People working at enterprises where there is increased quantity of harmful substances in the air, such as varnish-paint, chemical, furniture, footwear and other industries, need to take into consideration that because of the pollution of the body with chemical substances, the time of knee recovery increases from some hours (3-4 hours) up to some days (3-4 days). That is why under great necessity these people should change their job or have minimal amount of procedures for the recovery.
Those who suffer from skin diseases or injuries, who have wounds or festers should take into account that while applying this method the body gets warm which naturally leads to sweating and this is inadmissible and unfavourable in such cases because sweat deteriorates healing the wounds. So it is better to provide for turning the ventilator on, taking off your outer clothing to get the temperature down but without breaking off the prosedure. While treating skin diseases and sore lips it is quite essential not to provoke these diseases by cold water and open fire: fireplace, gas-stove burners, bonfires.
Also you should personally take part in the elimination of food, mental, domestic problems, it means the reasons that have led to spiritual and physical disturbances.
And of course you must not force somebody to do the procedure as punishment, because it will cause a negative attitude to this method of curing.
Applying the procedure regularly for 2-3 months constant clairvoyance will appear. This is connected with seeing living faces in icons and also in photographs, pictures and other images of faces. You should not be afraid of icons. But you should look at them while kneeling because they begin to cure at once. This is accompanied by excretion of evil will. And you can neutralize the evil will only by standing on knees. It is not recommended to look at photographs and other images because they have vices in them. That is why any help from them will be harmful. You mustnt listen to the information from the photos because it is deception. Icons are usually silent but sometimes they give a kind prompt that protects you from misfortune. You should take into consideration that the faces in icons can prompt only in personal affairs.
Incorrect usage of thinking abilities of a person always leads to spiritual, nervous, psychic and body disturbances. For example it is physically impossible to stand and to run at the same time. But in thoughts of the majority of people there is such discrepancy which is the cause of spiritual and physical disturbances. People with light, irresponsible thinking constantly have illusions, unreal aspirations, wishes, dreams. They use foul language, anger, blaming which tend to accumulate in quality and quantity, having great destroying potential. The method assists in neutralizing unrealized potency of unnecessary aspirations, wishes, feelings and swear-words at the expense of the overwhelming feeling of pain in the knees. During the procedure (2-3 hours) appearing thoughts have at once the power of realization of senses and meanings that are in them. In common conditions this begins to happen in a week a month. That is why people have irresponsible attitude to their own thinking. At the moment when a thought is realized in life, the mind of a person is obsessed by the own thought. If at the end of the sance you think how difficult you feel, at once you will be able to see the influence of this thought in realization of wishes, feelings, aspiration. Having got such experience, knowing this, you will be able to avoid the consequences in the future (a week a month) from your own thoughts and others words because they will be neutralized and this frees from their cause-consequence ties in realization. (Many people dont notice, dont understand and dont realize this.) So this method lets the body itself restore lost functions and intercommunication of the body in general. These results free you from bad destiny, rock, karma and misfortunes in general and in particular. That is why you must have only good thoughts and you should learn to do this.
No illness can exist and act if it hasnt its analogue in living beings. So when an accident happens, for example, an injury of a leg, in the mind of a person the picture of the accident appears. This is done not only by the injured person but by his subconscious and figurative mind. And naturally the general picture-scheme appears in the mind. And this evil as an image will without fail correspond to some insect. Then this image goes away from a person to the world for its birth. If a person hasnt cured him/herself in time, so the living image begins to parasitize on the injury one got.
Some animals get their souls from the thinking activity of a man. For example righteous justice gives souls to the lions and unjust to the bears. Such illnesses as epilepsy are provoked by the activity of jellyfish and tuberculosis by mice. This information can be used in treating tuberculosis. And this treatment will cure not the consequences (haemorrhage in the lungs) but the cause.
Because in the world of small measures the feelings and the mind dont have obstacles, borders, that is why by any relaxation of a person (night rest) the influence of aggressive small materialistic powers starts with the purpose to provide some food for these enemies. A man is stuff and a place of birth for them (their souls) because their personal programs of evil behavior dont give them the opportunity of self bearing. And that is why they get into the spiritual organs of a man. And this leads to all the mental illnesses.
There are dozens of ways to show and prove the influence of small materialistic structures (their activity programs) on the mind of a man. For example it is the effect of hand sharpening of cutting tools on a grindstone, especially for old and stout people. It is accompanied by sudden tummy rumbling. It happens because parasitic small materialistic creatures dont stand the statistic electricity that is created by sharpening and die. At the time of this event a person feels relief in the body and in the head. But it must be remembered that you should conduct this experiment only on your knees in order to neutralize the evil potency that is left. The next experiment is making noise on the glass (during 5 minutes). You should repeat scratching the glass, but the unpleasant effect will disappear and the next day everything will repeat. The natural conclusion is that it is not a person who suffers from the bad sound. It is parasitic creatures who feel bad. The next example is so global, responsible and important that having proved and comprehended it, it will be a regret especially that so many people died during the wars of all the times. The reason for those misfortunes is drinking raw water and milk. The matter is that water and milk products are poisoned by the creatures which produce the deadly substance that is called the sense of anger. As it is widely-known anger deprives man of his mind and leads to revenge (many other products are also poisoned, but their consuming leads to the birth of other evils). Lots of people know that God created a man for eternal life, love and naturally the organ of death could by no means appear in his body. There are two ways to examine the violence over people produced by those parasites and these ways are very simple. The first is boiling water and milk products which will prevent from anger just in 2 weeks. Another way is the pain therapy which enables to understand the matter of the problem clearly and quickly in 2 or three hours. It will be enough just to value mentally this question at the end of the prosedure. At the same time even a wish to cause anger, just for a check-up, will be foolish because if the prosedure was done properly, it neutralised the very substance of anger. And as regards this question personal check-up and observing offered processing of water and milk products is needed.
And finally medical influence of medicines on unexpectedly quick changes in the behavior as a result of neutralization of small materialistic parasitic creatures on a persons mind and so on. I propose you a concrete experiment. Before the experiment you must prepare any spray of liquid. You should be alone. Then ask yourself a question, If a hand is subordinate to the mind and can fulfill all the necessary actions for hours, also the mind can hold hands and other parts of the body in complete calmness, why the mind itself is always in constant thinking (by the way, sinful)? Then make yourself comfortable and try to hold your mind in complete calmness, thoughtlees. (It is better to conduct this experiment in the morning when you dont have dayly problems.) Look at the clock, how long you have stayed without thoughts. If the thoughts appear, spray the liquid in the area of the heart. Then contemplate your mind again. And here the wonderful changes to the better will take place, and namely consciousness, control, calmness will increase. And the main thing is that at this moment you can realize the depth and calm of your own mind. It will give you the opportunity to stay without thoughts for some more time, as the thoughts will appear again in some minutes because of the influence of the lower evil life forms. After the thoughts appear, you should not spray in the area of the heart because they will move on to the area of the neck. And if you spray in the area of the neck, they will appear in the area of the head. You should take into consideration that you must believe only the first experiment and that is why not repeat it, because in the memory there will already be the first result. And parasites from the small world can bring confusion into it. You will feel nonsense.
This experiment shows the levels of life of these forms (and not only of these creatures) which are destroyed under the influence of liquid. The main thing that you can conclude from this experiment is the short time realization of the freedom of your mind and that it is impossible to free yourself from evil powers by the coercion (spraying). The same state of mind but without coercion and bad consequences can be achieved fulfilling the proposed procedure where all the forms of parasites and their deed (unhealthy structures) just disappear. You should pay attention to your mind at the end of the procedure and realize the free but atrophied mind which is richer, more complete and better in this state where the mind of a man is not a mere thought but the creator of thoughts. And this is well realized.
This method of proving the influence of lower life forms gives results at once. And managing your own mind and deeper understanding gives spiritual knowledge how to get rid of these evil forms. For example, there is a commandment in Christianity: Yes is yes, no is no, the rest is from devil. And Indian teachings propose you to become the witness of your mind. By correct aspiration and daily applying this knowledge already in a month the separation of your own mind and evil parasitic powers will happen. This enlightenment of the mind will give the opportunity to choose the level of freedom. And it can be proved and experienced by any person. 
The peculiarity of identifying parasites of the mind is the complete mystery because they know everything what is known by a person. That is why before every experiment and before appearing of results you must keep the secrecy. If this experiment is conducted simultaneously by at least two persons who know each other the result will not repeat because there exist many contradictions such as foul language, loosing of psychic energy and also turning your attention to blaming small vices of the partner. All this creates distrust and only a negative result will be achieved (all this is proved by the revelations of practicing monks). The task of the experiment can be given by one person to one person or to many persons who are not acquainted with each other. Only under these conditions the same results will be achieved. This gives the opportunity to understand in which world we live.
If you wish you can organize a duty in groups where you have lists of surnames for the night and day protection of staff from the influence of the aggressive small material powers because the advantages of the small world is used where all the feelings (except of love) are the substance by which demons hit the biologically active spots of a human body which they need. So they make a person sinful. This leads to obsession and it results in hysterics, scandals, violence. But there exist the simplest methods to protect people from the control and destruction of all the thoughtfulness and mentality. There is a method for this and namely the proposed procedure. For this you must have 12 volunteers who will be changed every 2 hours (the first hour to read the Gospel and the second hour to read the surnames of the staff of the organization). This will lower falling ill, accident rate, traumas.
In conclusion the importance of secrecy and seclusion in realization of these questions should be mentioned. It should be taken into consideration that the scientific approach and methods are practically impossible because any task will be falsified because of the defenselessness of a person before the small materialistic world. As was mentioned above human mind is entirely open for the world of small measures. But you can get the answer. It will be born because you cant deceive yourself constantly during the pain therapy. So there are two ways to realize the world under the total control of parasitic creatures. The first is the unexpected experiment. But it will be destroyed in some days. And only this knowledge can help to preserve the memory of the experiment. The second way is the described above method. So the time and constancy will answer all the questions.

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